

发布时间: 2024-05-12 09:04:07北京青年报社官方账号





As the central government will release its three-year action plan for State-owned enterprises (2020-22) soon to enhance the nation's efforts to steer the economy toward innovation and technology-driven high-quality growth, the official said that for the next stage, the SASAC will create a sound environment for reform so that businesses of all kinds of ownership can realize integrated and common development.


As the sky was darkening one afternoon, Dawa was making a costume but found it hard to see what he was doing, so he turned on an electric light. Instantly, the room was filled with brightness and warmth.


As the saying goes, "trees don't grow to the sky". The Chinese economy could not conceivably continue the extraordinarily high growth rates seen earlier. An economy growing at 14 percent doubles every five years. Even at 7 percent, it doubles every 10 years. And at 6 percent, it doubles every 12 years. Creating another Chinese economy every decade or so is a huge accomplishment - especially now that the economy is already very large.


As the largest cloud provider in the world, AWS is arguably one of the biggest targets outside of major financial institutions or government agencies. Yet the threats against it and the types of malicious actors seeking to get inside AWS haven’t really changed over the last few years; “You’ve got the same people motivated by the same things,” Schmidt said, which includes financial reward, hacker cred, and nation-states attempting to advance their agendas.


As the CEO of air purifier manufacturer Blueair, Mehmet Altinok quips that selling clean air is basically like selling ice cream, as they are both primarily seasonal products. One is a necessity in winter-especially in China-and the other is a summer treat.


